Alberta Beyond Coal
Government defies Albertans, lifts ban on coal mining in the Rockies and approves expansions of the Vista thermal coal mine near Hinton
Stand with us to protect drinking water and the Rockies from contamination and destruction

Photo: eastcherry media inc
Coal mining and burning are among the most harmful human activities
Toxic pollutants endanger public health
Mining releases toxic pollutants like selenium, mercury, and heavy metals into our air, soil, and water, while coal burning emits greenhouse gasses and harmful particulate matter. These activities endanger public health, accelerate climate change, degrade ecosystems and damage Alberta’s iconic landscapes and waterways.

Water is under threat
Open-pit mining will contaminate the water for people and wildlife, suck vital water from farmers and ranchers, and destroy mountain landscapes for recreation, fishing and hunting.

Photo: eastcherry media inc
Join the tens of thousands of people and communities fighting to protect the Rockies and rivers.
Send a Letter
Tell your elected representatives to stop undermining Alberta by halting coal projects, present and future, and demand the protection of Rockies and rivers for generations to come.
Get a Lawn Sign

Join the #CancelCoalChallenge
Take a photograph with the Alberta Beyond Coal logo on your next hike – in a special, beautiful or unusual place. Then post it to social media and tell us why you love Alberta’s Rocky Mountains!

What is Alberta Beyond Coal
Alberta Beyond Coal is led by nonprofit organizations Alberta Environmental Network and the Council of Canadians Prairies & NWT Region.
Powered by volunteers and donations, it is working with concerned groups and people to put an end to open-pit coal mining in the Rockies, the water source for millions of people across the prairies.

Alberta Beyond Coal is organizing mail drop, lawn signs and call centre to raise awareness and action in Alberta.
You are invited to volunteer in a role that suits you.
Share What You’re Doing
Alberta Beyond Coal will post information about all the local groups, actions and activities that is happening in the province.
Let us know if any groups, actions and events should be added.