Impacts of Coal Mining on Lethbridge’s Water
Coal mining will affect the quality and quantity of water in the Oldman River.
Mines use large volumes of water to wash coal and to keep coal dust down. Selenium that enters the Oldman River can’t be filtered out by Lethbridge’s water treatment plant.
“Lethbridge and surrounding communities obtain their drinking water from the Oldman River and do not have the ability, as other communities affected by selenium pollution do, of digging a new well or finding a new source of water. There is at present, little scientific information on how to address selenium at the water treatment level and there are growing concerns among other southern Alberta communities. This is about both quality and quantity of water.”
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Global News
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Tent Mountain project will undergo a federal environmental review
Alberta Beyond Coal
We won this one, Alberta! Grassy Mountain Coal Mine project is dead.
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New coal projects that could release selenium must now undergo a federal review
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Niitsitapi Water Protectors
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Lethbridge Herald
Council expressing mining concerns to province
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Lethbridge News Now
Take Action Today
Tell your elected representatives that you don’t want coal mining in your headwaters!